Teachers & Writers Magazine is published by Teachers & Writers Collaborative to provide resources and inspiration in support of writers, teaching artists and educators teaching creative writing.

The magazine’s online format offers a wide and continually changing selection of lesson plans, articles, essays, and interviews tailored for those in the field of creative writing education. We publish both practical and theoretical work and look for writing that is vivid, personal, original, concise, and geared toward a general audience.

Before submitting, please carefully review our submission guidelines at https://teachersandwritersmagazine.org/about-us/submission-guidelines.

Teachers & Writers Magazine is published by Teachers & Writers Collaborative to provide lesson plans, interviews, and personal essays to support teaching creative writing. Complete submission guidelines, including links to samples and descriptions of types of articles we seek, can be found at: https://teachersandwritersmagazine.org/about-us/submission-guidelines.  Please review the guidelines carefully before submitting a query or article.


Our readers come to the magazine to find both inspiration and original approaches for teaching creative writing in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, as well as in college and community settings. Lesson plans and essays should be written in a personal style, giving a clear sense of the writer's lived experience in the classroom.


Most of the pieces we publish are penned by writers—working in a variety of genres—who teach their art in classrooms or by classroom teachers whose focus includes creative writing.


We believe writers should be paid for their work, and we provide compensation for published writing. Our compensation for articles ranges from $50 - $350, payable upon publication. All submissions are on spec, and there is no kill fee.

We are not looking for . . .

  • Work written for an academic audience. We appreciate a lively personal style geared toward a general audience.
  • Poetry or works of fiction. T&W Magazine is not a literary magazine. We publish tools, resources, and reflections on the art of teaching creative writing.
  • Lesson plans or articles focusing on other art forms or non-literary writing (such as visual art, performance art, academic writing). Exceptions may be made when integrated with creative writing on a case by case basis. 
  • Generic content, "Top 10" posts, advertising, paid links. Please review our submissions guidelines carefully before submitting


T&W reserves the right:

  • To publish articles accepted for Teachers & Writers Magazine in other T&W digital or print publications;
  • To authorize others to reprint articles in the form in which they appeared in the magazine; and
  • To authorize posting on non-T&W websites of articles in the form in which they appeared in the magazine, with credit to T&W and links to the magazine and T&W websites.
Teachers & Writers Collaborative